Andrew L. Cohen, Ph.D.

Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
categorization, mathematical psychology
"Andrew Cohen"
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Robert M. Nosofsky grad student 2002 Indiana University Bloomington
 (A comparison of invariant and exemplar models of the perception of dynamic properties.)
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Cohen AL, Starns JJ, Rotello CM. (2020) sdtlu: An R package for the signal detection analysis of eyewitness lineup data. Behavior Research Methods
Cataldo AM, Cohen AL. (2020) Framing context effects with reference points. Cognition. 203: 104334
Cohen AL, Starns JJ, Rotello CM, et al. (2020) Estimating the proportion of guilty suspects and posterior probability of guilt in lineups using signal-detection models. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 5: 21
Cataldo AM, Cohen AL. (2018) The comparison process as an account of variation in the attraction, compromise, and similarity effects. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Cataldo AM, Cohen AL. (2018) Reversing the similarity effect: The effect of presentation format. Cognition. 175: 141-156
Cohen AL, Kang N, Leise TL. (2017) Multi-attribute, multi-alternative models of choice: Choice, reaction time, and process tracing. Cognitive Psychology. 98: 45-72
Cohen AL, Sidlowski S, Staub A. (2016) Beliefs and Bayesian reasoning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Hotaling JM, Cohen AL, Shiffrin RM, et al. (2015) The Dilution Effect and Information Integration in Perceptual Decision Making. Plos One. 10: e0138481
Cohen AL, Staub A. (2015) Within-subject consistency and between-subject variability in Bayesian reasoning strategies. Cognitive Psychology. 81: 26-47
Staub A, Grant M, Astheimer L, et al. (2015) The influence of cloze probability and item constraint on cloze task response time Journal of Memory and Language. 82: 1-17
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