Carey K. Morewedge, Ph.D.

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Social Cognition
"Carey Morewedge"
Mean distance: 15.26 (cluster 15)


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Daniel T. Gilbert grad student 2006 Harvard
 (A mind of its own: Negativity bias in the perception of intentional agency.)
Daniel Kahneman post-doc 2006-2007 Princeton
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Roy E, Jaeger B, Evans AM, et al. (2024) A contest study to reduce attractiveness-based discrimination in social judgment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Lee CY, Morewedge CK. (2023) Correction, uncertainty, and anchoring effects. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 46: e129
Morewedge CK. (2022) Preference for human, not algorithm aversion. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Lee CY, Morewedge CK. (2022) Noise Increases Anchoring Effects. Psychological Science. 33: 60-75
Cadario R, Morewedge CK. (2022) Why do people eat the same breakfast every day? Goals and circadian rhythms of variety seeking in meals. Appetite. 168: 105716
Cadario R, Longoni C, Morewedge CK. (2021) Understanding, explaining, and utilizing medical artificial intelligence. Nature Human Behaviour
Morewedge CK. (2020) Psychological ownership: implicit and explicit. Current Opinion in Psychology. 39: 125-132
Putnam-Farr E, Morewedge CK. (2020) Which social comparisons influence happiness with unequal pay? Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Sellier AL, Scopelliti I, Morewedge CK. (2019) Debiasing Training Improves Decision Making in the Field. Psychological Science. 956797619861429
Longoni C, Bonezzi A, Morewedge CK. (2019) Resistance to Medical Artificial Intelligence Journal of Consumer Research. 46: 629-650
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