Kevin M. Pilz, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States |
"Kevin Pilz"Mean distance: 16.84 (cluster 7) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorElizabeth Adkins-Regan | grad student | 2003 | Cornell | |
(Egg yolk androgens in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris): Maternal allocation and offspring effects.) |
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Safran RJ, McGraw KJ, Pilz KM, et al. (2010) Egg-yolk androgen and carotenoid deposition as a function of maternal social environment in barn swallows Hirundo rustica Journal of Avian Biology. 41: 470-478 |
Safran RJ, Pilz KM, McGraw KJ, et al. (2008) Are yolk androgens and carotenoids in barn swallow eggs related to parental quality? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 62: 427-438 |
Martín J, López P, Gabirot M, et al. (2007) Effects of testosterone supplementation on chemical signals of male Iberian wall lizards: Consequences for female mate choice Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 61: 1275-1282 |
Pilz KM, Adkins-Regan E, Schwabl H. (2005) No sex difference in yolk steroid concentrations of avian eggs at laying. Biology Letters. 1: 318-21 |
Pilz KM, Smith HG, Andersson M. (2005) Brood parasitic European starlings do not lay high-quality eggs Behavioral Ecology. 16: 507-513 |
Pilz KM, Quiroga M, Schwabl H, et al. (2004) European starling chicks benefit from high yolk testosterone levels during a drought year. Hormones and Behavior. 46: 179-92 |
Pilz KM, Smith HG. (2004) Egg yolk androgen levels increase with breeding density in the European Starling, Sturnus vulgaris Functional Ecology. 18: 58-66 |
Hauber ME, Pilz KM. (2003) Yolk testosterone levels are not consistently higher in the eggs of obligate brood parasites than their hosts American Midland Naturalist. 149: 354-362 |
Pilz KM, Smith HG, Sandell MI, et al. (2003) Interfemale variation in egg yolk androgen allocation in the European starling: Do high-quality females invest more? Animal Behaviour. 65: 841-850 |