Theodore G. Weyand
Affiliations: | Lousiana State University, Shrevesport, United States |
"Theodore Weyand"Mean distance: 13.73 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorHarvey A. Swadlow | grad student | University of Connecticut | |
Joseph G. Malpeli | post-doc | UIUC |
Sign in to add collaboratorDawei W Dong | collaborator | |||
W Martin Usrey | collaborator | UC Davis | ||
Daniel Llewellyn Rathbun | collaborator | 2002-2004 | UC Davis | |
(optic tract electrophysiology) |
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Alexander PC, Alitto HJ, Fisher TG, et al. (2022) Dynamics of temporal integration in the lateral geniculate nucleus. Eneuro |
Weyand TG. (2015) The multifunctional lateral geniculate nucleus. Reviews in the Neurosciences |
Rathbun DL, Alitto HJ, Weyand TG, et al. (2007) Interspike interval analysis of retinal ganglion cell receptive fields. Journal of Neurophysiology. 98: 911-9 |
Alitto HJ, Weyand TG, Usrey WM. (2005) Distinct properties of stimulus-evoked bursts in the lateral geniculate nucleus. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 25: 514-23 |
Dong DW, Weyand TG, Payne B, et al. (2004) The role of the basal ganglia during free-viewing natural time-varying images Journal of Vision. 4: 654-654 |
Dong DW, Simpson GB, Weyand TG. (2003) No suppression, only dynamic decorrelation: Saccadic effects on the visual responses to natural time-varying images Journal of Vision. 3: 45a |
Weyand TG, Gafka AC. (2001) Visuomotor properties of corticotectal cells in area 17 and posteromedial lateral suprasylvian (PMLS) cortex of the cat. Visual Neuroscience. 18: 77-91 |
Weyand TG, Updyke BV, Gafka AC. (1999) Widespread distribution of visual responsiveness in frontal, prefrontal, and prelimbic cortical areas of the cat: an electrophysiologic investigation. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 405: 99-127 |
Weyand TG, Gafka AC. (1998) Corticostriatal and corticotectal neurons in area 6 of the cat during fixation and eye movements. Visual Neuroscience. 15: 141-51 |
Weyand TG, Gafka AC. (1998) Activity of neurons in area 6 of the cat during fixation and eye movements. Visual Neuroscience. 15: 123-40 |