Joy C. Geren, Ph.D.

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States
Language development, language comprehension
"Joy Geren"
Mean distance: 17.15 (cluster 15)


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Jesse Snedeker grad student 2010 Harvard
 (Disassociating maturation and language development: Evidence from internationally adopted and deaf children.)
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Coffey JR, Shafto CL, Geren JC, et al. (2021) The effects of maternal input on language in the absence of genetic confounds: Vocabulary development in internationally adopted children. Child Development
Snedeker J, Geren J, Shafto CL. (2012) Disentangling the effects of cognitive development and linguistic expertise: a longitudinal study of the acquisition of English in internationally-adopted children. Cognitive Psychology. 65: 39-76
Snedeker J, Geren J, Shafto CL. (2007) Starting over: international adoption as a natural experiment in language development. Psychological Science. 18: 79-87
Geren J, Snedeker J, Ax L. (2005) Starting over: a preliminary study of early lexical and syntactic development in internationally adopted preschoolers. Seminars in Speech and Language. 26: 44-53
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