Gemma A. Calvert
Affiliations: | University of Bath, Bath, England, United Kingdom |
Multisensory perceptionGoogle:
"Gemma Calvert"Mean distance: 16.34 (cluster 23)
Sign in to add collaboratorRuth Campbell | collaborator | ||
David I. Shore | collaborator | McMaster University | |
Ruth Campbell | collaborator | 1995-2005 | UCL |
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Pathak A, Calvert GA. (2020) Sounds sweet, sounds bitter: How the presence of certain sounds in a brand name can alter expectations about the product’s taste Food Quality and Preference. 83: 103918 |
Pathak A, Calvert GA, Lim LKS. (2020) Harsh voices, sound branding: How voiced consonants in a brand's name can alter its perceived attributes Psychology & Marketing. 37: 837-847 |
Pathak A, Velasco C, Calvert GA. (2019) Implicit and explicit identification of counterfeit brand logos based on logotype transposition Journal of Product & Brand Management. 28: 747-757 |
Pathak A, Velasco C, Calvert GA. (2019) Identifying counterfeit brand logos: on the importance of the first and last letters of a logotype European Journal of Marketing. 53: 2109-2125 |
Pathak A, Velasco C, Petit O, et al. (2019) Going to great lengths in the pursuit of luxury: How longer brand names can enhance the luxury perception of a brand Psychology & Marketing. 36: 951-963 |
Pathak A, Calvert G, Velasco C. (2017) Evaluating the impact of early- and late-acquired phonemes on the luxury appeal of brand names Journal of Brand Management. 24: 522-545 |
Kempton MJ, Ettinger U, Foster R, et al. (2011) Dehydration affects brain structure and function in healthy adolescents. Human Brain Mapping. 32: 71-9 |
Holmes NP, Spence C, Hansen PC, et al. (2008) The multisensory attentional consequences of tool use: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Plos One. 3: e3502 |
Holmes NP, Calvert GA, Spence C. (2007) Tool use changes multisensory interactions in seconds: evidence from the crossmodal congruency task. Experimental Brain Research. 183: 465-76 |
Holmes NP, Sanabria D, Calvert GA, et al. (2007) Tool-use: capturing multisensory spatial attention or extending multisensory peripersonal space? Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 43: 469-89 |