Melanie A. Dirks, Ph.D.

Yale University, New Haven, CT 
"Melanie Dirks"
Mean distance: 19.09 (cluster 15)


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Teresa A. Treat grad student 2007 Yale
 (Situation- and judge-level factors in the conceptualization and measurement of youth social functioning: The case of peer provocation.)


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Miriam Kirmayer grad student 2012- McGill
Thomas Khullar grad student 2016- McGill
Alison Farrell Reeves grad student 2016- McGill
Laura Cuttini grad student 2010-2016 McGill
Michele Morningstar grad student 2011-2017 McGill


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Ryan Persram collaborator
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Nault DR, Bonar RJT, Ilyaz E, et al. (2024) Fast and friendly: The role of vocal cues in adolescents' responses to and perceptions of peer provocation. Journal of Research On Adolescence : the Official Journal of the Society For Research On Adolescence
Macdonald EP, Khullar TH, Vezina EL, et al. (2023) Say you'll be there: Associations between observed verbal responses, friendship quality, and perceptions of support in young adult friendships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 40: 4001-4022
Martin-Storey A, Dirks M, Paquette G, et al. (2023) The Slut-Shaming Instrument: Preliminary validation, correlates, and links with psychological distress among adolescent girls. Journal of Research On Adolescence : the Official Journal of the Society For Research On Adolescence
Dryburgh NSJ, Martin-Storey A, Craig WM, et al. (2023) The Development and Preliminary Validation of a Measure of Victimization within the Friendships of Emerging Adults. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 40: 2204-2226
Morrison KE, Hymel S, Craig W, et al. (2023) Teen perceptions of adolescent dating violence. Journal of Adolescence
MacNeil AH, Farrell-Reeves A, Elgar FJ, et al. (2022) Food and Mood: Daily Associations Between Missed Meals and Affect Among Early Adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : the Official Journal For the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. 1-8
Panier L, Ethridge P, Farrell-Reeves A, et al. (2022) Associations between peer stress in early adolescence and multiple event-related potentials elicited during social feedback processing. Developmental Psychobiology. 64: e22279
Sandre A, Morningstar M, Farrell-Reeves A, et al. (2022) Adolescents and young adults differ in their neural response to and recognition of adolescent and adult emotional faces. Psychophysiology. e14060
Persram RJ, Wong TKY, Vargas-Madriz LF, et al. (2021) Development and Validation of the Teen Dating Aggression Measure Among Canadian Youth. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 763210
Dryburgh NSJ, Ponath E, Bukowski WM, et al. (2021) Associations between interpersonal behavior and friendship quality in childhood and adolescence: A meta-analysis. Child Development
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