Lars Strother

University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV, United States 
neuroimaging, visual perception, perceptual organization, conscious awareness, motor control
"Lars Strother"
Mean distance: 14.18 (cluster 23)


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Michael Kubovy grad student 1999-2006 UVA
 (The perceptual organization of dot -sampled structured grids.)
Marlene Behrmann post-doc 2005-2007 Carnegie Mellon
Tutis Vilis post-doc 2009-2013 Western University
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Harrison MT, Strother L. (2021) Does face-selective cortex show a left visual field bias for centrally-viewed faces? Neuropsychologia. 107956
Harrison MT, Strother L. (2019) Does right hemisphere superiority sufficiently explain the left visual field advantage in face recognition? Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Strother L. (2019) A neural basis of the serial bottleneck in visual word recognition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116: 9699-9700
Zhou Z, Vilis T, Strother L. (2019) Functionally Separable Font-invariant and Font-sensitive Neural Populations in Occipitotemporal Cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-12
Zhou Z, Whitney C, Strother L. (2019) Embedded word priming elicits enhanced fMRI responses in the visual word form area. Plos One. 14: e0208318
Zhou Z, Strother L. (2019) Comparison of population receptive field properties in occipitotemporal cortex for words and non-word control stimuli Journal of Vision. 19: 80
Harrison M, Strother L. (2019) Visually split identities in face recognition Journal of Vision. 19: 110-110
Zhou Z, Strother L. (2019) Inter-hemispheric comparison of population receptive fields for visual cortical responses to words Journal of Vision. 19
Harrison MT, Strother L. (2018) Visual recognition of mirrored letters and the right hemisphere advantage for mirror-invariant object recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Nah JC, Neppi-Modona M, Strother L, et al. (2018) Object width modulates object-based attentional selection. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
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