Wilsaan M. Joiner, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | University of California, Davis, Davis, CA |
oculomotor, vestibular, dynamical modelsWebsite:
"Wilsaan Joiner"Mean distance: 17.53 (cluster 17)
Sign in to add mentorMark Shelhamer | grad student | 2007 | Johns Hopkins | |
(Time estimation and error feedback in predictive eye movement timing.) | ||||
Maurice A. Smith | post-doc | Harvard | ||
Robert H. Wurtz | post-doc | NEI |
Sign in to add traineeRylee Brower | research assistant | 2018-2020 | UC Davis |
Rose DeKock | grad student | 2019- | UC Davis |
Sonia Bansal | grad student | 2010-2016 | UC Davis |
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Foray K, Zhou W, Fitzgerald J, et al. (2024) Applied motor noise affects specific learning mechanisms during short-term adaptation to novel movement dynamics. Eneuro |
Gladhill K, De Kock R, Zhou W, et al. (2024) Mechanically Induced Motor Tremors Disrupt the Perception of Time. Eneuro |
Fitzgerald JJ, Zhou W, Chase SM, et al. (2024) Dissociating the Influence of Limb Posture and Visual Feedback Shifts on the Adaptation to Novel Movement Dynamics. Neuroscience |
Zhou W, Monsen E, Fernandez KD, et al. (2024) Motion state-dependent motor learning based on explicit visual feedback has limited spatiotemporal properties compared to adaptation to physical perturbation. Journal of Neurophysiology |
Zhou W, Kruse EA, Brower R, et al. (2022) Motion state-dependent motor learning based on explicit visual feedback is quickly recalled, but is less stable than adaptation to physical perturbations. Journal of Neurophysiology |
Bindra G, Brower R, North R, et al. (2021) Normal Aging Affects the Short-Term Temporal Stability of Implicit, But Not Explicit, Motor Learning following Visuomotor Adaptation. Eneuro. 8 |
De Kock R, Gladhill KA, Ali MN, et al. (2021) How Movements Shape the Perception of Time. Trends in Cognitive Sciences |
Bansal S, Joiner WM. (2021) Transsaccadic visual perception of foveal compared to peripheral environmental changes. Journal of Vision. 21: 12 |
De Kock R, Zhou W, Joiner WM, et al. (2021) Slowing the body slows down time perception. Elife. 10 |
Lesh T, Wang HR, Brower R, et al. (2020) Transsaccadic Perception in Individuals With Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder With Psychotic Features Biological Psychiatry. 87: S348 |