Jessica L. Fanning

University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United States 
Parent-Child Intervention; Stress Regulation; Stuttering
"Jessica Fanning"
Mean distance: 14.64 (cluster 23)
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O'Neil LV, Pakulak E, Stevens C, et al. (2019) Helen June Neville May 20, 1946 – October 12, 2018 Journal of Cognition and Development. 20: 134-135
O’Neil LV, Pakulak E, Stevens C, et al. (2018) Creating Connections Between Researchers and Educators Journal of Cognition and Development. 20: 110-133
Neville HJ, Stevens C, Pakulak E, et al. (2013) Family-based training program improves brain function, cognition, and behavior in lower socioeconomic status preschoolers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 12138-43
Stevens C, Fanning J, Coch D, et al. (2008) Neural mechanisms of selective auditory attention are enhanced by computerized training: electrophysiological evidence from language-impaired and typically developing children. Brain Research. 1205: 55-69
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