Jonathan W. King

University of Missouri, Columbia, Columbia, MO, United States 
language, electrophysiology
"Jonathan King"
Mean distance: 14.46 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: LinguisTree - Chemistry Tree - CSD Tree

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Weiss S, Mueller HM, Schack B, et al. (2005) Increased neuronal communication accompanying sentence comprehension. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 57: 129-41
Joyce CA, Gorodnitsky IF, Teder-Sälejärvi WA, et al. (2002) Variability in AC amplifier distortions: estimation and correction. Psychophysiology. 39: 633-40
Joyce CA, Gorodnitsky IF, King JW, et al. (2002) Tracking eye fixations with electroocular and electroencephalographic recordings. Psychophysiology. 39: 607-18
Kutas M, King JW. (1999) In-line measures of syntactic processing using event-related brain potentials Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 22: 104-105
King JW, Kutas M. (1998) Neural plasticity in the dynamics of human visual word recognition. Neuroscience Letters. 244: 61-4
Coulson S, King JW, Kutas M. (1998) Expect the Unexpected: Event-related Brain Response to Morphosyntactic Violations Language and Cognitive Processes. 13: 21-58
Coulson S, King JW, Kutas M. (1998) ERPs and Domain Specificity: Beating a Straw Horse Language and Cognitive Processes. 13: 653-672
Müller H, King J, Kutas M. (1998) Elektrophysiologische Analyse der Verarbeitung natürlichsprachlicher Sätze mit unterschiedlicher Belastung des Arbeitsgedächtnisses Klinische Neurophysiologie. 29: 321-330
Muller HM, King JW, Kutas M. (1998) Electrophysiological analysis of spoken sentence processing as a function of working memory requirements | Elektrophysiologische analyse der verarbeitung naturlichsprachlicher satze mit unterschiedlicher belastung des arbeitsgedachtnisses Klinische Neurophysiologie. 29: 321-330
Müller HM, King JW, Kutas M. (1997) Event-related potentials elicited by spoken relative clauses. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research. 5: 193-203
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