Manizeh Khan

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Manizeh Khan"
Mean distance: 17.15 (cluster 15)
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Meredyth Daneman research assistant University of Toronto at Mississauga
Craig G. Chambers research assistant 2006-2007 University of Toronto at Mississauga
Jesse Snedeker grad student 2007-2013 Harvard
 (Thinking in words: Implicit verbal activation in children and adults.)
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Wittenberg E, Khan M, Snedeker J. (2017) Investigating Thematic Roles through Implicit Learning: Evidence from Light Verb Constructions. Frontiers in Psychology. 8: 1089
Khan M, Daneman M. (2011) How readers spontaneously interpret man-suffix words: evidence from eye movements. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 40: 351-66
Pearson HA, Khan M, Snedeker J. (2010) Even more evidence for the emptiness of plurality: An experimental investigation of plural interpretation as a species of implicature Semantics and Linguistic Theory. 20: 489
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