Frank Walter Weymouth

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
perception and psychophysics
"Frank Weymouth"

Stanford obituary:

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Weymouth FW, Hines DC, Acres LH, et al. (1963) Visual acuity within the area centralis and its relation to eye movements and fixation Optometry and Vision Science. 40: 520-537
JAMPOLSKY A, FLOM BC, WEYMOUTH FW, et al. (1955) Unequal corrected visual acuity as related to anisometropia. A.M.a. Archives of Ophthalmology. 54: 893-905
WEYMOUTH FW. (1955) Visual acuity: an analysis of the stimulus situation. American Journal of Optometry and Archives of American Academy of Optometry. 32: 507-19
Carlson AJ, Bard P, Garrey WE, et al. (1944) THE HARVARD APPARATUS COMPANY, THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND DR. W. T. PORTER. Science (New York, N.Y.). 100: 518-9
Averill HL, Weymouth FW. (1925) Visual perception and the retinal mosaic. II. The influence of eye-movements on the displacement threshold Journal of Comparative Psychology. 5: 147-176
Andersen EE, Weymouth FW. (1923) VISUAL PERCEPTION AND THE RETINAL MOSAIC American Journal of Physiology-Legacy Content. 64: 561-594
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