Scott R. Robinson

2011- Pacific Ethological Laboratories 
Developmental psychobiology, fetal learning
"scott r robinson"
Mean distance: 17.32 (cluster 7)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Jack P. Hailman grad student 1974-1979 UW Madison
John A. Ruben grad student 1987-1989 Oregon State
William Smotherman research scientist 1989-1994 Binghamton University


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Karen Adolph collaborator 2002- NYU (PsychTree)
Lana B. Karasik collaborator 2013- CUNY (College of Staten Island / The Graduate Center) (LinguisTree)
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Karasik LB, Robinson SR. (2024) Natural-ish behavior: The interplay of culture and context in shaping motor behavior in infancy. Advances in Child Development and Behavior. 66: 197-232
Han D, Cole WG, Joh AS, et al. (2023) Pitfall or pratfall? Behavioral differences in infant learning from falling. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Karasik LB, Adolph KE, Fernandes SN, et al. (2023) Gahvora cradling in Tajikistan: Cultural practices and associations with motor development. Child Development
Cole WG, Vereijken B, Young JW, et al. (2018) Use it or lose it? Effects of age, experience, and disuse on crawling. Developmental Psychobiology
Brumley MR, Hoagland R, Truong M, et al. (2018) Responsiveness of rat fetuses to sibling motor activity: Communication in utero? Developmental Psychobiology
Cole WG, Robinson SR, Adolph KE. (2015) Bouts of steps: The organization of infant exploration. Developmental Psychobiology
Robinson SR. (2015) Spinal mediation of motor learning and memory in the rat fetus. Developmental Psychobiology. 57: 421-34
Soska KC, Robinson SR, Adolph KE. (2015) A new twist on old ideas: how sitting reorients crawlers. Developmental Science. 18: 206-18
Shapiro LJ, Cole WG, Young JW, et al. (2014) Human quadrupeds, primate quadrupedalism, and Uner Tan Syndrome. Plos One. 9: e101758
Mendez-Gallardo V, Robinson SR. (2014) Odor-induced crawling locomotion in the newborn rat: Effects of amniotic fluid and milk. Developmental Psychobiology. 56: 327-39
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