Quan Lei
Affiliations: | Peking University, Beijing, Beijing Shi, China |
Visual attentionGoogle:
"Quan Lei"Mean distance: 21.66 (cluster 8)
Sign in to add mentorYan Bao | grad student | 2007- | Department of Psychology, Peking University |
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Qian J, Zhang K, Liu S, et al. (2019) The transition from feature to object: Storage unit in visual working memory depends on task difficulty. Memory & Cognition |
Qian J, Zhang K, Lei Q, et al. (2019) Task-dependent effects of voluntary space-based and involuntary feature-based attention on visual working memory. Psychological Research |
Qian J, Zhang K, Wang K, et al. (2018) Saturation and brightness modulate the effect of depth on visual working memory. Journal of Vision. 18: 16 |
Lei Q, Reeves A. (2018) When the weaker conquer: A contrast-dependent illusion of visual numerosity. Journal of Vision. 18: 8 |
Qian J, Lei S, Zhang K, et al. (2018) Storage unit in visual working memory depends on the visual information load of a memory display Journal of Vision. 18: 1296 |
Qian J, Li J, Wang K, et al. (2017) Evidence for the effect of depth on visual working memory. Scientific Reports. 7: 6408 |
Reeves A, Lei Q. (2017) Short-term visual memory for location in depth: A U-shaped function of time. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics |
Bao Y, Yang T, Lin X, et al. (2016) Aesthetic Preferences for Eastern and Western Traditional Visual Art: Identity Matters. Frontiers in Psychology. 7: 1596 |
Qian J, Liu S, Lei Q. (2016) Illusory Distance Modulates Perceived Size of Afterimage despite the Disappearance of Depth Cues. Plos One. 11: e0159228 |
Reeves A, Lei Q. (2014) Is visual short-term memory depthful? Vision Research. 96: 106-12 |