Andrew Galperin, Ph.D.

2012 Psychology 0780 University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
"Andrew Galperin"
Mean distance: 18.98 (cluster 8)


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Martie  G. Haselton grad student 2012 UCLA
 (Evolved Error Management Biases in the Attribution of Anger.)
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Holbrook C, Galperin A, Fessler DM, et al. (2014) If looks could kill: anger attributions are intensified by affordances for doing harm. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 14: 455-61
Galperin A, Haselton MG, Frederick DA, et al. (2013) Sexual regret: evidence for evolved sex differences. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 42: 1145-61
Galperin A, Fessler DMT, Johnson KL, et al. (2013) Seeing storms behind the clouds: Biases in the attribution of anger Evolution and Human Behavior. 34: 358-365
Galperin A, Haselton M. (2010) Predictors of how often and when people fall in love. Evolutionary Psychology : An International Journal of Evolutionary Approaches to Psychology and Behavior. 8: 5-28
Haselton MG, Bryant GA, Wilke A, et al. (2009) Adaptive rationality: An evolutionary perspective on cognitive bias Social Cognition. 27: 733-763
Frederick DA, Pillsworth EG, Galperin A, et al. (2009) Analyzing evolutionary social science and its popularizations—A review of The Caveman Mystique: Pop-Darwinism and the Debates Over Sex, Violence, and Science Evolution and Human Behavior. 30: 301-304
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