Seyed A. Safavynia, Ph.D.

2012 Biological and Biomedical Sciences Emory University, Atlanta, GA 
"Seyed Safavynia"
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Lena H. Ting grad student 2012 Emory
 (Spatiotemporal organization of muscle activity throughout human postural responses.)
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Joseph Jilk D, Safavynia SA, Ting LH. (2014) Contribution of vision to postural behaviors during continuous support-surface translations. Experimental Brain Research. 232: 169-80
Safavynia SA, Ting LH. (2013) Long-latency muscle activity reflects continuous, delayed sensorimotor feedback of task-level and not joint-level error. Journal of Neurophysiology. 110: 1278-90
Safavynia SA, Ting LH. (2013) Sensorimotor feedback based on task-relevant error robustly predicts temporal recruitment and multidirectional tuning of muscle synergies. Journal of Neurophysiology. 109: 31-45
Ting LH, Chvatal SA, Safavynia SA, et al. (2012) Review and perspective: neuromechanical considerations for predicting muscle activation patterns for movement. International Journal For Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 28: 1003-14
Safavynia SA, Ting LH. (2012) Task-level feedback can explain temporal recruitment of spatially fixed muscle synergies throughout postural perturbations. Journal of Neurophysiology. 107: 159-77
Safavynia SA, Torres-Oviedo G, Ting LH. (2011) Muscle Synergies: Implications for Clinical Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Movement. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation. 17: 16-24
Chvatal SA, Torres-Oviedo G, Safavynia SA, et al. (2011) Common muscle synergies for control of center of mass and force in nonstepping and stepping postural behaviors. Journal of Neurophysiology. 106: 999-1015
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