Preeti Chauhan, Ph.D.

2009 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
"Preeti Chauhan"
Mean distance: 19.31 (cluster 23)


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Nicholas Dickon Reppucci grad student 2009 UVA
 (Female juvenile offenders: Differentiating mechanisms of antisocial behavior by neighborhood disadvantage and race.)
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Chauhan P, Schuck AM, Widom CS. (2017) Child Maltreatment, Problem Behaviors, and Neighborhood Attainment. American Journal of Community Psychology. 60: 555-567
Widom CS, Czaja SJ, Kozakowski SS, et al. (2017) Does adult attachment style mediate the relationship between childhood maltreatment and mental and physical health outcomes? Child Abuse & Neglect
Kois L, Wellbeloved-Stone JM, Chauhan P, et al. (2017) Combined Evaluations of Competency to Stand Trial and Mental State at the Time of the Offense: An Overlooked Methodological Consideration? Law and Human Behavior
Chauhan P, Ahern J, Galea S, et al. (2016) Neighborhood Context and Binge Drinking by Race and Ethnicity in New York City. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research
Kois L, Chauhan P. (2016) Forensic Evaluators' Self-Reported Engagement in Culturally Competent Practices International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. 15: 312-322
Chauhan P, Ragbeer SN, Burnette ML, et al. (2014) Comparing the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI) and the Psychopathy Checklist-Youth Version (PCL-YV) among offending girls. Assessment. 21: 181-94
Kois L, Pearson J, Chauhan P, et al. (2013) Competency to stand trial among female inpatients. Law and Human Behavior. 37: 231-40
Widom CS, Czaja S, Wilson HW, et al. (2013) Do the long-term consequences of neglect differ for children of different races and ethnic backgrounds? Child Maltreatment. 18: 42-55
Warren JI, Chauhan P, Kois L, et al. (2013) Factors influencing 2,260 opinions of defendants' restorability to adjudicative competency Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 19: 498-508
Chauhan P, Widom CS. (2012) Childhood maltreatment and illicit drug use in middle adulthood: the role of neighborhood characteristics. Development and Psychopathology. 24: 723-38
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