Michael S. Yuan, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2000 | Columbia University, New York, NY |
Brain evolutionGoogle:
"Michael Yuan"Mean distance: 18.11 (cluster 4) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorRalph L. Holloway | grad student | 2000 | Columbia | |
(Perikymata counts in two modern human sample populations.) |
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Holloway RL, Broadfield DC, Yuan MS. (2005) The Human Fossil Record The Human Fossil Record. 3: 1-315 |
Holloway RL, Broadfield DC, Yuan MS. (2003) Morphology and histology of chimpanzee primary visual striate cortex indicate that brain reorganization predated brain expansion in early hominid evolution. The Anatomical Record. Part a, Discoveries in Molecular, Cellular, and Evolutionary Biology. 273: 594-602 |
Holloway RL, Yuan MS, Broadfield DC, et al. (2002) Missing Omo L338y-6 occipital-marginal sinus drainage pattern: ground sectioning, computer tomography scanning, and the original fossil fail to show it. The Anatomical Record. 266: 249-57 |
Holloway RL, Yuan MS, Broadfield DC, et al. (2002) Erratum: Missing Omo L338y-6 occipital-marginal sinus drainage pattern: Ground sectioning, computer tomography scanning, and the original fossil fail to show it (Anatomical Record (2002) 266 (249-257)) Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology. 267 |
Broadfield DC, Holloway RL, Mowbray K, et al. (2001) Endocast of Sambungmacan 3 (Sm 3): a new Homo erectus from Indonesia. The Anatomical Record. 262: 369-79 |