Albert Bandura

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"Albert Bandura"

Albert Bandura was born December 4, 1925, in the small town of Mundare in northern Alberta, Canada. He was educated in a small elementary school and high school in one, with minimal resources, yet a remarkable success rate. After high school, he worked for one summer filling holes on the Alaska Highway in the Yukon.

He received his bachelors degree in Psychology from the University of British Columbia in 1949. He went on to the University of Iowa, where he received his Ph.D. in 1952. It was there that he came under the influence of the behaviorist tradition and learning theory.

While at Iowa, he met Virginia Varns, an instructor in the nursing school. They married and later had two daughters. After graduating, he took a postdoctoral position at the Wichita Guidance Center in Wichita, Kansas.

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Ricardo F. Muñoz research assistant 1971-1972 Stanford (PsychTree)
Allen E. Bergin grad student (PsychTree)
Edward Blanchard grad student
Daniel Cervone grad student Stanford
Michael J. Mahoney grad student (PsychTree)
Michael J. Telch grad student
Richard H. Walters grad student 1958 Stanford
Robert B. Cairns grad student 1959 Stanford (PsychTree)
Ted L. Rosenthal grad student 1976 Stanford
Daniel Bullock grad student 1979 Stanford
BETA: Related publications


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Bandura A. (2018) Toward a Psychology of Human Agency: Pathways and Reflections. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 13: 130-136
Stajkovic AD, Bandura A, Locke EA, et al. (2018) Test of three conceptual models of influence of the big five personality traits and self-efficacy on academic performance: A meta-analytic path-analysis Personality and Individual Differences. 120: 238-245
Bandura A. (2015) Self-regulation of motivation and action through internal standards and goal systems Goal Concepts in Personality and Social Psychology. 23: 19-85
Bandura A. (2015) On Deconstructing Commentaries Regarding Alternative Theories of Self-Regulation Journal of Management. 41: 1025-1044
Bandura A. (2012) On the functional properties of perceived self-efficacy revisited Journal of Management. 38: 9-44
Bandura A. (2011) A Social Cognitive perspective on Positive Psychology | Una perspectiva social cognitiva de la psicología positiva Revista De Psicologia Social. 26: 7-20
Bandura A. (2011) Self-deception: A paradox revisited Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 34: 16-17
White J, Bandura A, Bero LA. (2009) Moral disengagement in the corporate world. Accountability in Research. 16: 41-74
Caprara GV, Fida R, Vecchione M, et al. (2008) Longitudinal Analysis of the Role of Perceived Self-Efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning in Academic Continuance and Achievement Journal of Educational Psychology. 100: 525-534
Bandura A. (2007) Much ado over a faulty conception of perceived self-efficacy grounded in faulty experimentation Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 26: 641-658
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