Alfredo F. Pereira, Ph.D.

2010 Psychology Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
Object recognition, neuroimaging, action, development
"Alfredo Pereira"
Mean distance: 16.17 (cluster 23)


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Karin Harman James grad student 2010 Indiana University Bloomington
 (Development of systematic object viewpoint selection during active object manipulation from late infancy to early childhood.)
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Serra J, Miguel H, Moura AA, et al. (2020) The effect of play task on maternal touch patterns when interacting with their 12 months-old infants: An exploratory study. Infant Behavior & Development. 59: 101438
James KH, Jones SS, Swain S, et al. (2014) Some views are better than others: evidence for a visual bias in object views self-generated by toddlers. Developmental Science. 17: 338-51
Pereira AF, Smith LB, Yu C. (2014) A bottom-up view of toddler word learning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 21: 178-85
Smith LB, Yu C, Pereira AF. (2011) Not your mother's view: the dynamics of toddler visual experience. Developmental Science. 14: 9-17
Pereira AF, James KH, Jones SS, et al. (2010) Early biases and developmental changes in self-generated object views. Journal of Vision. 10: 22
Yu C, Smith L, Pereira A, et al. (2010) Two views of the world: Active vision, attention, and perception and action loops in real-world interaction Journal of Vision. 9: 419-419
Yu C, Smith LB, Shen H, et al. (2009) Active Information Selection: Visual Attention Through the Hands. Ieee Transactions On Autonomous Mental Development. 1: 141-151
Pereira AF, Smith LB. (2009) Developmental changes in visual object recognition between 18 and 24 months of age. Developmental Science. 12: 67-80
Pereira AF, Smith LB, Yu C. (2008) Social coordination in toddler's word learning: interacting systems of perception and action. Connection Science. 20: 73-89
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