Sharon L. Hannigan, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2000 | Boston University, Boston, MA, United States |
"Sharon Hannigan"Mean distance: 17.92 (cluster 15)
Sign in to add mentorMieke Verfaellie | grad student | 2000 | Boston University | |
(Interaction of episodic and schematic memory processes gives rise to false visual memories.) |
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Reinitz MT, Hannigan SL. (2004) False memories for compound words: role of working memory. Memory & Cognition. 32: 463-73 |
Hannigan SL, Reinitz MT. (2003) Migration of objects and inferences across episodes. Memory & Cognition. 31: 434-44 |
Hannigan SL, Reinitz MT. (2001) A demonstration and comparison of two types of inference-based memory errors. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 27: 931-40 |
Reinitz MT, Hannigan SL. (2001) Effects of Simultaneous Stimulus Presentation and Attention Switching on Memory Conjunction Errors Journal of Memory and Language. 44: 206-219 |
Hannigan SL, Reinitz MT. (2000) Influences of Temporal Factors on Memory Conjunction Errors Applied Cognitive Psychology. 14: 309-321 |