Noam Zeilberger, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2009 | Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA |
memory, cognitive modeling, ACT-RGoogle:
"Noam Zeilberger"Mean distance: 18.01 (cluster 38) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorFrank J. Lee | grad student | 2009 | Carnegie Mellon | |
(The logical basis of evaluation order and pattern-matching.) |
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Courtiel J, Yeats KA, Zeilberger N. (2019) Connected chord diagrams and bridgeless maps Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 26 |
Uustalu T, Veltri N, Zeilberger N. (2018) The Sequent Calculus of Skew Monoidal Categories Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 341: 345-370 |
Zeilberger N. (2017) A sequent calculus for a semi-associative law Logical Methods in Computer Science. 15: 16 |
Melliès P, Zeilberger N. (2017) An Isbell Duality Theorem for Type Refinement Systems Mathematical Structures in Computer Science. 28: 736-774 |
Zeilberger N. (2016) Linear lambda terms as invariants of rooted trivalent maps Journal of Functional Programming. 26 |
Zeilberger N, Giorgetti A. (2015) A correspondence between rooted planar maps and normal planar lambda terms Logical Methods in Computer Science. 11 |
Zeilberger N. (2008) On the unity of duality Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. 153: 66-96 |