Ji-Young Lim, Ph.D.

2006 Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
human development
"Ji-Young Lim"
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Stephen M. Gavazzi grad student 2006 Ohio State
 (Multi-level model examinations of the relationship between family and peer risks and neighborhood settings: The special attention to gender, ethnicity, and the timing of onset for delinquency.)
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Radina ME, Gibbons HM, Lim JY. (2009) Explicit versus implicit family decision-making strategies among Mexican American caregiving adult children Marriage and Family Review. 45: 392-411
Gavazzi SM, Bostic JM, Lim JY, et al. (2008) Examining the impact of gender, race/ethnicity, and family factors on mental health issues in a sample of court-involved youth. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 34: 353-68
Craft SM, Serovich JM, McKenry PC, et al. (2008) Stress, attachment style, and partner violence among same-sex couples Journal of Glbt Family Studies. 4: 57-73
Gavazzi SM, Lim JY, Yarcheck CM, et al. (2008) The impact of gender and family processes on mental health and substance use issues in a sample of court-involved female and male adolescents Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 37: 1071-1084
Gavazzi SM, Yarcheck CM, Lim JY. (2005) Ethnicity, gender, and global risk indicators in the lives of status offenders coming to the attention of the juvenile court. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 49: 696-710
Gavazzi SM, Lim JY, Yarcheck CM, et al. (2003) Brief report on predictive validity evidence of global risk indicators in the lives of court-involved youth. Psychological Reports. 93: 1239-42
Gavazzi SM, Lim JY. (2003) Advances in measurement of global risk indicators in lives of court-involved youth: brief evidence for concurrent validity. Psychological Reports. 93: 750-2
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