Adam W. Hantman

HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus, Ashburn, VA, United States 
Sensory transmission, spinal cord
"Adam Hantman"
Mean distance: 13.24 (cluster 6)


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Edward R. Perl grad student 1999-2005 UNC Chapel Hill
 (Properties of a distinctive set of substantia gelatinosa neurons labeled with green fluorescent protein.)
Thomas M. Jessell post-doc 2005-2010 Columbia
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Lakshminarasimhan KJ, Xie M, Cohen JD, et al. (2024) Specific connectivity optimizes learning in thalamocortical loops. Cell Reports. 43: 114059
Park J, Phillips JW, Guo JZ, et al. (2022) Motor cortical output for skilled forelimb movement is selectively distributed across projection neuron classes. Science Advances. 8: eabj5167
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Xiao X, Deng H, Furlan A, et al. (2020) A Genetically Defined Compartmentalized Striatal Direct Pathway for Negative Reinforcement. Cell
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Levy S, Lavzin M, Benisty H, et al. (2020) Cell-Type-Specific Outcome Representation in the Primary Motor Cortex. Neuron
Sauerbrei BA, Guo JZ, Cohen JD, et al. (2019) Cortical pattern generation during dexterous movement is input-driven. Nature
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