Brian A. Goolsby
Affiliations: | Northwestern University, Evanston, IL |
"Brian Goolsby"Mean distance: 14.96 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorDale Dagenbach | research assistant | Wake Forest | ||
Marcia Grabowecky | grad student | Northwestern | ||
Satoru Suzuki | grad student | 2003 | Northwestern | |
(Adaptation of color salience contingent upon global form coding and task relevance in color-based visual search.) |
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Goolsby BA, Shapiro KL, Raymond JE. (2009) Distractor devaluation requires visual working memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 16: 133-8 |
Goolsby BA, Shapiro KL, Silvert L, et al. (2009) Feature-based inhibition underlies the affective consequences of attention Visual Cognition. 17: 500-530 |
Silvert L, Lepsien J, Fragopanagos N, et al. (2007) Influence of attentional demands on the processing of emotional facial expressions in the amygdala. Neuroimage. 38: 357-66 |
Kiss M, Goolsby BA, Raymond JE, et al. (2007) Efficient attentional selection predicts distractor devaluation: event-related potential evidence for a direct link between attention and emotion. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 19: 1316-22 |
Goolsby BA, Grabowecky M, Suzuki S. (2005) Adaptive modulation of color salience contingent upon global form coding and task relevance. Vision Research. 45: 901-30 |
Goolsby BA, Grabowecky M, Suzuki S. (2004) Task demands modulate the global-form contingency of the Color Suppression Effect Journal of Vision. 4: 324-324 |
Suzuki S, Goolsby BA. (2003) Sequential priming is not constrained by the shape of long-term learning curves. Perception & Psychophysics. 65: 632-48 |
Goolsby BA, Grabowecky M, Suzuki S. (2003) Further investigations of the distractor color preview effect (DCPE) Journal of Vision. 3: 606a |
Goolsby BA, Suzuki S. (2002) The distractor-colon adaptation effect in color-singleton search: What color representation is being adapted? Journal of Vision. 2: 537a |
Goolsby BA, Suzuki S. (2001) Understanding priming of color-singleton search: roles of attention at encoding and "retrieval". Perception & Psychophysics. 63: 929-44 |