John P. O'Doherty

Psychology California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
"John O'Doherty"
Mean distance: 12.69 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Edmund Rolls grad student 1997-2000 Oxford
Ray J. Dolan post-doc UCL


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Signe Bray grad student Caltech
Jaron Colas grad student Caltech
Song Qi grad student
Alan N. Hampton grad student 2007 Caltech
Tom Schonberg grad student 2004-2009 Caltech
Klaus Wunderlich grad student 2010 Caltech
Daniel McNamee grad student 2015 Caltech
Jan Glascher post-doc Caltech
Ryan K. Jessup post-doc Trinity College Dublin
Hackjin Kim post-doc Caltech
Seung Lark Lim post-doc Caltech
Omar  David Perez post-doc
Shinsuke Suzuki post-doc Caltech
Saori Tanaka post-doc Caltech
Vivian Valentin post-doc Caltech
Shih-Wei Wu post-doc Caltech
Damian Alexander Stanley post-doc 2012- Caltech
Cooper D. Grossman post-doc 2021- Caltech
Elizabeth Tricomi post-doc 2006-2008 Caltech
Vikram S. Chib post-doc 2008-2014 Caltech
Sang Wan Lee post-doc 2011-2015 Caltech
Sven Collette post-doc 2012-2016 Caltech
Kiyohito Iigaya post-doc 2017-2021 Caltech (Physics Tree)


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Erie Dell Boorman collaborator Caltech
Lynn K. Paul collaborator Caltech
Hilke Plassmann collaborator 2005-2008 Caltech
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Iigaya K, Larsen T, Fong T, et al. (2024) Computational and neural evidence for altered fast and slow learning from losses in problem gambling. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Qi S, Cross L, Wise T, et al. (2024) The Role of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex in Spatial Margin of Safety Calculations. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Charpentier CJ, Wu Q, Min S, et al. (2024) Heterogeneity in strategy use during arbitration between experiential and observational learning. Nature Communications. 15: 4436
Colas JT, O'Doherty JP, Grafton ST. (2024) Active reinforcement learning versus action bias and hysteresis: control with a mixture of experts and nonexperts. Plos Computational Biology. 20: e1011950
Man V, Cockburn J, Flouty O, et al. (2024) Temporally organized representations of reward and risk in the human brain. Nature Communications. 15: 2162
Aquino TG, Courellis H, Mamelak AN, et al. (2024) Encoding of predictive associations in human prefrontal and medial temporal neurons during Pavlovian appetitive conditioning. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Pool ER, Pauli WM, Cross L, et al. (2023) Neural substrates of parallel devaluation-sensitive and devaluation-insensitive Pavlovian learning in humans. Nature Communications. 14: 8057
Man V, Cockburn J, Flouty O, et al. (2023) Temporally organized representations of reward and risk in the human brain. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
van Timmeren T, O'Doherty JP, Dzinalija N, et al. (2023) Can the Brain Strategically Go on Automatic Pilot? A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study Investigating the Effect of If-Then Planning on Behavioral Flexibility. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-19
Aquino TG, Cockburn J, Mamelak AN, et al. (2023) Neurons in human pre-supplementary motor area encode key computations for value-based choice. Nature Human Behaviour
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