Bruce D. Mccandliss

2009-2014 Psychology and Human Development Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
 2014- Education Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"Bruce Mccandliss"
Mean distance: 13.86 (cluster 23)
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Wang F, Kaneshiro B, Toomarian EY, et al. (2023) Progress in elementary school reading linked to growth of cortical responses to familiar letter combinations within visual word forms. Developmental Science. e13435
Guillaume M, Roy E, Van Rinsveld A, et al. (2022) Groupitizing reflects conceptual developments in math cognition and inequities in math achievement from childhood through adolescence. Child Development
Wang F, Nguyen QTH, Kaneshiro B, et al. (2022) Lexical and sublexical cortical tuning for print revealed by Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials (SSVEPs) in early readers. Developmental Science. e13352
Wang F, Kaneshiro B, Strauber CB, et al. (2021) Distinct neural sources underlying visual word form processing as revealed by steady state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP). Scientific Reports. 11: 18229
Starkey GS, McCandliss BD. (2021) A probabilistic approach for quantifying children's subitizing span. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 207: 105118
Santhana Gopalan PR, Loberg O, Lohvansuu K, et al. (2020) Attentional Processes in Children With Attentional Problems or Reading Difficulties as Revealed Using Brain Event-Related Potentials and Their Source Localization. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 14: 160
Barnes MA, Clemens NH, Fall A, et al. (2020) Cognitive predictors of difficulties in math and reading in pre-kindergarten children at high risk for learning disabilities. Journal of Educational Psychology. 112: 685-700
Kanayet FJ, Mattarella-Micke A, Kohler PJ, et al. (2017) Distinct Representations of Magnitude and Spatial Position within Parietal Cortex during Number-Space Mapping. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-19
Liao K, McCandliss BD, Carlson SE, et al. (2016) Event-related potential differences in children supplemented with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids during infancy. Developmental Science
Barnes MA, Klein A, Swank P, et al. (2016) Effects of Tutorial Interventions in Mathematics and Attention for Low-Performing Preschool Children Journal of Research On Educational Effectiveness. 1-30
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