Barrie J. Frost

Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada 
neurophysiology, birds
"Barrie Frost"
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Dreyer D, Frost B, Mouritsen H, et al. (2018) The Earth's Magnetic Field and Visual Landmarks Steer Migratory Flight Behavior in the Nocturnal Australian Bogong Moth. Current Biology : Cb
Mouritsen H, Derbyshire R, Stalleicken J, et al. (2013) An experimental displacement and over 50 years of tag-recoveries show that monarch butterflies are not true navigators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 7348-53
Xiao Q, Frost BJ. (2013) Motion parallax processing in pigeon (Columba livia) pretectal neurons. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 37: 1103-11
Frost BJ. (2010) A taxonomy of different forms of visual motion detection and their underlying neural mechanisms. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 75: 218-35
Xiao Q, Frost BJ. (2009) Looming responses of telencephalic neurons in the pigeon are modulated by optic flow. Brain Research. 1305: 40-6
Frost BJ. (2009) Bird head stabilization. Current Biology : Cb. 19: R315-6
Poirier FJ, Frost BJ. (2005) Global orientation aftereffect in multi-attribute displays: implications for the binding problem. Vision Research. 45: 497-506
Frost BJ, Sun H. (2004) Chapter 2 The biological bases of time-to-collision computation Advances in Psychology. 135: 13-37
van der Willigen RF, Frost BJ, Wagner H. (2003) How owls structure visual information. Animal Cognition. 6: 39-55
van der Willigen RF, Frost BJ, Wagner H. (2002) Depth generalization from stereo to motion parallax in the owl. Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 187: 997-1007
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