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Robert A. McCrea

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
"Robert McCrea"
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McCrea RA, Cullen KE. (2012) Mechanism for Voluntary Cancellation of the Vestibulo-ocular Reflex in Squirrel Monkeys That Is Not Related to Smooth Pursuit The Head-Neck Sensory Motor System
Marlinski V, McCrea RA. (2009) Self-motion signals in vestibular nuclei neurons projecting to the thalamus in the alert squirrel monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology. 101: 1730-41
Marlinski V, McCrea RA. (2008) Coding of self-motion signals in ventro-posterior thalamus neurons in the alert squirrel monkey. Experimental Brain Research. 189: 463-72
Marlinski V, McCrea RA. (2008) Activity of ventroposterior thalamus neurons during rotation and translation in the horizontal plane in the alert squirrel monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology. 99: 2533-45
McCrea RA, Horn AK. (2006) Nucleus prepositus. Progress in Brain Research. 151: 205-30
Belton T, McCrea RA. (2004) Context contingent signal processing in the cerebellar flocculus and ventral paraflocculus during gaze saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology. 92: 797-807
McCrea RA, Luan H. (2003) Signal processing of semicircular canal and otolith signals in the vestibular nuclei during passive and active head movements. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1004: 169-82
McCrea RA, Gdowski GT. (2003) Firing behaviour of squirrel monkey eye movement-related vestibular nucleus neurons during gaze saccades. The Journal of Physiology. 546: 207-24
McCrea R, Gdowski G, Luan H. (2001) Current concepts of vestibular nucleus function: Transformation of vestibular signals in the vestibular nuclei Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 942: 328-344
Gdowski GT, Belton T, McCrea RA. (2001) The neurophysiological substrate for the cervico-ocular reflex in the squirrel monkey. Experimental Brain Research. 140: 253-64
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