Scott Creamer, Ph.D.

2013 Clinical Psychology Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
"Scott Creamer"
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Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe grad student 2013 WSU
 (Examination of the influence of processing speed on the neuropsychological performance of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) adults.)
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Schmitter-Edgecombe M, Creamer S. (2010) Assessment of strategic processing during narrative comprehension in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : Jins. 16: 661-71
Creamer S, Schmitter-Edgecombe M. (2010) Narrative comprehension in Alzheimer's disease: assessing inferences and memory operations with a think-aloud procedure. Neuropsychology. 24: 279-90
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