Carolyn S. Abramowitz, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2005 | Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, North Chicago, IL, United States |
"Carolyn Abramowitz"Mean distance: 22.36 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorDavid Kosson | grad student | 2005 | Rosalind Franklin Medical School | |
(Investigating the latent structure of psychopathy in European and African American male inmates.) |
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Wilson MJ, Abramowitz C, Vasilev G, et al. (2014) Psychopathy in Bulgaria: The cross-cultural generalizability of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 36: 389-400 |
Bagley AD, Abramowitz CS, Kosson DS. (2009) Vocal affect recognition and psychopathy: converging findings across traditional and cluster analytic approaches to assessing the construct. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 118: 388-98 |
Sullivan EA, Abramowitz CS, Lopez M, et al. (2006) Reliability and construct validity of the psychopathy checklist - revised for Latino, European American, and African American male inmates. Psychological Assessment. 18: 382-92 |
Vassileva J, Kosson DS, Abramowitz C, et al. (2005) Psychopathy versus psychopathies in classifying criminal offenders Legal and Criminological Psychology. 10: 27-43 |
Hale LR, Goldstein DS, Abramowitz CS, et al. (2004) Psychopathy is related to negative affectivity but not to anxiety sensitivity. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 42: 697-710 |
Abramowitz CS, Kosson DS, Seidenberg M. (2004) The relationship between childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and conduct problems and adult psychopathy in male inmates Personality and Individual Differences. 36: 1031-1047 |