Janneke F.M. Jehee

Center for Cognitive Neuroimaging Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior 
Visual System
"Janneke Jehee"
Mean distance: 13.66 (cluster 29)
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van Bergen RS, Jehee JF. (2019) Improved methods for decoding sensory uncertainty from activity in the human visual cortex Journal of Vision. 19: 42b
Chetverikov A, Jehee JF. (2019) Activity in human visual areas reflects the precision of motion perception Journal of Vision. 19: 166c
bertana a, van Bergen R, Ling S, et al. (2018) Confidence predicts variability but not biases in perceptual decisions Journal of Vision. 18: 1047
van Bergen R, Jehee J. (2017) Uncertainty in cortical stimulus representations predicts serial dependence effects in orientation perception Journal of Vision. 17: 590
Moerel D, Ling S, Jehee JF. (2016) Perceptual learning increases orientation sampling efficiency. Journal of Vision. 16: 36
van Bergen R, Jehee J. (2016) Response variability is shared between similarly tuned neural populations Journal of Vision. 16: 871
van Bergen RS, Ji Ma W, Pratte MS, et al. (2015) Sensory uncertainty decoded from visual cortex predicts behavior. Nature Neuroscience
Ling S, Jehee JF, Pestilli F. (2015) A review of the mechanisms by which attentional feedback shapes visual selectivity. Brain Structure & Function. 220: 1237-50
Bosch SE, Jehee JF, Fernández G, et al. (2014) Reinstatement of associative memories in early visual cortex is signaled by the hippocampus. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 34: 7493-500
van Bergen R, Ma WJ, Pratte M, et al. (2014) Activity in early visual areas reflects the trial-by-trial precision of perception Journal of Vision. 14: 1412-1412
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