Naftali Tishby, Professor

Computer Science, ICNC, ELSC Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel 
Machine Learning, Statistical Physics, Computational Neuroscience
"Naftali Tishby"
Mean distance: 15.08 (cluster 17)


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Shlomo Alexander grad student 1985 Hebrew University (Chemistry Tree)
Raphael David Levine grad student 1985 Hebrew University (Chemistry Tree)


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Felix Creutzig grad student UC Berkeley
Nori Jacoby grad student
Elad Schneidman grad student Hebrew University
Yuval Tassa grad student Hebrew University
Dana Ron grad student 1991-1995 Hebrew University
Yoram Singer grad student 1991-1995 Hebrew University
Shlomo Dubnov grad student 1992-1996 Hebrew University
Itay Gat grad student 1993-1997 Hebrew University
Shai Fine grad student 1993-1998 Hebrew University
Lidror Troyansky grad student 1994-1998 Hebrew University
Gil Bejerano grad student 1996-2000 Hebrew University
Ran Bachrach grad student 1997-2004 Hebrew University
Amir Globerson grad student 1995-2005 Hebrew University
Noam Slonim grad student 1996-2005 Hebrew University
Gal Chechik grad student 1998-2006 Hebrew University
Ohad Shamir grad student 2006-2010 Hebrew University
Sivan Sabato grad student 2007-2011 Ben Gurion Unevirsity
Naama Parush grad student 2007-2012 Hebrew University
Jonathan Rubin grad student 2007-2012 Hebrew University
Hadar Levi-Aharoni grad student 2010-2019 Hebrew University
Nadav Amir grad student 2014-2020 Hebrew University


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Ilya Mark Nemenman collaborator NEC Research Institute, Princeton (Physics Tree)
Haim Sompolinsky collaborator 1989- Hebrew University
Moshe Abeles collaborator 1990- Hebrew University
H Sebastian Seung collaborator 1990- Hebrew University
William Bialek collaborator 1991- NEC, Princeton, N.J.
David Henry Haussler collaborator 1991- Hebrew University (Computational Biology Tree)
Hagai Bergman collaborator 1993- Hebrew University
Israel Nelken collaborator 1993- Hebrew University
Eilon Vaadia collaborator 1993- Hebrew University
Rob de Ruyter van Steveninck collaborator 1997- Hebrew University
Merav Ahissar collaborator 2005- Hebrew University
Nati Srebro collaborator 2006- Hebrew University
Daniel Polani collaborator 2008- Hebrew University
BETA: Related publications


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Amir N, Tishby N, Nelken I. (2022) A simple model of the attentional blink and its modulation by mental training. Plos Computational Biology. 18: e1010398
Levi-Aharoni H, Tishby N. (2021) The value-complexity trade-off for reinforcement learning based brain-computer interfaces. Journal of Neural Engineering. 17: 066011
Amir N, Suliman R, Tal M, et al. (2020) Value-complexity tradeoff explains mouse navigational learning. Plos Computational Biology. 16: e1008497
Levi-Aharoni H, Shriki O, Tishby N. (2020) Surprise response as a probe for compressed memory states. Plos Computational Biology. 16: e1007065
Painsky A, Feder M, Tishby N. (2020) Nonlinear Canonical Correlation Analysis:A Compressed Representation Approach Entropy. 22: 208
Wang S, Borst A, Zaslavsky N, et al. (2017) Efficient encoding of motion is mediated by gap junctions in the fly visual system. Plos Computational Biology. 13: e1005846
Rubin J, Ulanovsky N, Nelken I, et al. (2016) The Representation of Prediction Error in Auditory Cortex. Plos Computational Biology. 12: e1005058
Jacoby N, Tishby N, Repp BH, et al. (2015) Parameter Estimation of Linear Sensorimotor Synchronization Models: Phase Correction, Period Correction, and Ensemble Synchronization Timing & Time Perception. 3: 52-87
Jacoby N, Keller PE, Repp BH, et al. (2015) Lower Bound on the Accuracy of Parameter Estimation Methods for Linear Sensorimotor Synchronization Models Timing & Time Perception. 3: 32-51
Jacoby N, Tishby N, Tymoczko D. (2015) An Information Theoretic Approach to Chord Categorization and Functional Harmony Journal of New Music Research. 44: 219-244
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