Boris Suchan, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany 
"Boris Suchan"
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Lech RK, Suchan B. (2014) Involvement of the human medial temporal lobe in a visual discrimination task. Behavioural Brain Research. 268: 22-30
Suchan B, Melde C, Herzog H, et al. (2008) Activation differences in observation of hand movements for imitation or velocity judgement. Behavioural Brain Research. 188: 78-83
Platz T, Liepert J, Seitz RJ, et al. (2006) Motor system recovery after brain damage - Mechanisms of recovery and development of restorative therapy - Initiatives and results from the rehabilitation subnet of the German competence net stroke | Erholung im motorischen system nach hirnschädigung: Mechanismen der erholung und therapieentwicklung - Initiativen und ergebnisse aus dem subnetz "rehabilitation nach schlaganfall" des kompetenznetzes schlaganfall Nervenheilkunde. 25: 933-940
Suchan B, Melde C, Hömberg V, et al. (2005) Cingulate cortex activation and competing responses: the role of preparedness for competition. Behavioural Brain Research. 163: 219-26
Suchan B, Yágüez L, Wunderlich G, et al. (2002) Hemispheric dissociation of visual-pattern processing and visual rotation. Behavioural Brain Research. 136: 533-44
Suchan B, Yágüez L, Wunderlich G, et al. (2002) Neural correlates of visuospatial imagery. Behavioural Brain Research. 131: 163-8
Wunderlich G, Suchan B, Volkmann J, et al. (2000) Visual hallucinations in recovery from cortical blindness: imaging correlates. Archives of Neurology. 57: 561-5
Suchan B, Melde C, Stephan KM, et al. (1999) Conditional associative learning: A PET study Neuroimage. 9: S939
Melde C, Suchan B, Stephan KM, et al. (1999) Observing movements: Set to imitate vs. set to evaluate Neuroimage. 9: S418
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