Leonard Diller
Affiliations: | New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States |
cognitive rehabilitationGoogle:
"Leonard Diller"Mean distance: 17.94 (cluster 13)
Sign in to add traineeLaura Rabin | research assistant | 1997-2000 | Rusk Insititute of Rehabilitation Medicine, NYU School of Medicine |
Vivian Ota Wang | grad student | 1994-1995 | NYU School of Medicine |
Corwin Boake | post-doc | ||
Joseph F. Rath | research scientist | 1993- | Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, NYU School of Medicine |
Laura M. Miles | research scientist | 2002- | New York University School of Medicine |
Sign in to add collaboratorTamara Dembo | collaborator | Rusk Insititute of Rehabilitation Medicine, NYU School of Medicine | |
Gerry Leisman | collaborator | Rusk Insititute of Rehabilitation Medicine, NYU School of Medicine | |
Harvey S. Levin | collaborator | Baylor College of Medicine | |
Lynn A. Schaefer | collaborator | 2005-2008 | NYU School of Medicine |
Martha Sarno | collaborator | 1955-2010 | Rusk Insititute of Rehabilitation Medicine, NYU School of Medicine |
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Cho YS, Sohlberg MM, Albin R, et al. (2017) Training adults with acquired brain injury how to help-seek when wayfinding: an understudied critical life skill. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. 1-18 |
Cho YS, Sohlberg M, Rath J, et al. (2016) Training Adults with Brain Injury How to Help-Seek When Lost Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 97: e57 |
Bertisch H, Rath JF, Long C, et al. (2014) An Efficient Method for Assigning Neurorehabilitation Outpatients to Treatment Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 95: e10 |
Long C, Verkuilen J, Rath JF, et al. (2014) An Item Level Analysis and Validation Study of the Problem-Solving Questionnaire's Emotional Self-Regulation Scale Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 95: e54 |
Bertisch HC, Long C, Langenbahn DM, et al. (2013) Anxiety as a primary predictor of functional impairment after acquired brain injury: a brief report. Rehabilitation Psychology. 58: 429-35 |
Kim S, Zemon V, Cavallo MM, et al. (2013) Poster 105 Comparison of Individuals in a Structured Day Program vs. a Rehabilitation Program Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 94: e47 |
Rath JF, Hradil AL, Litke DR, et al. (2011) Clinical applications of problem-solving research in neuropsychological rehabilitation: addressing the subjective experience of cognitive deficits in outpatients with acquired brain injury. Rehabilitation Psychology. 56: 320-8 |
Bertisch H, Rath JF, Langenbahn DM, et al. (2011) Group Treatment in Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation Journal For Specialists in Group Work. 36: 264-277 |
Miles L, Grossman RI, Johnson G, et al. (2008) Short-term DTI predictors of cognitive dysfunction in mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury. 22: 115-22 |
Langenbahn D, Rath J, Hradil A, et al. (2008) Poster 8: A New Approach to Remediating Problem-Solving Deficits in Outpatients With Moderate-to-Severe Cognitive Impairments Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 89: e11 |