Chris J. Lowe
Affiliations: | University of Chicago, Chicago, IL |
"Chris Lowe"Mean distance: 16.69 (cluster 57) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorGregory A. Wray | grad student | Duke | |
John Gerhart | post-doc | UC Berkeley | |
Marc W. Kirschner | post-doc | Harvard (Cell Biology Tree) |
Sign in to add traineeJames A. Gillis | grad student | 2009 | Chicago |
Marcin Wlizla | grad student | 2011 | Chicago |
Ariel M. Pani | grad student | 2013 | Chicago |
Jens Fritzenwanker | post-doc | Chicago |
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Formery L, Orange F, Formery A, et al. (2020) Neural anatomy of echinoid early juveniles and comparison of nervous system organization in echinoderms. The Journal of Comparative Neurology |
Andrikou C, Passamaneck YJ, Lowe CJ, et al. (2019) Molecular patterning during the development of reveals similarities to rhynchonelliform brachiopods. Evodevo. 10: 33 |
Fritzenwanker JH, Uhlinger KR, Gerhart J, et al. (2019) Untangling posterior growth and segmentation by analyzing mechanisms of axis elongation in hemichordates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Nathaniel Clarke D, Lowe CJ, James Nelson W. (2019) The cadherin-catenin complex is necessary for cell adhesion and embryogenesis in Nematostella vectensis. Developmental Biology. 447: 170-181 |
Minor PJ, Clarke DN, Andrade López JM, et al. (2018) I-SceI Meganuclease-mediated transgenesis in the acorn worm, Saccoglossus kowalevskii. Developmental Biology |
Gonzalez P, Jiang JZ, Lowe CJ. (2018) The development and metamorphosis of the indirect developing acorn worm (Enteropneusta: Spengelidae). Frontiers in Zoology. 15: 26 |
Darras S, Fritzenwanker JH, Uhlinger KR, et al. (2018) Anteroposterior axis patterning by early canonical Wnt signaling during hemichordate development. Plos Biology. 16: e2003698 |
Gonzalez P, Uhlinger KR, Lowe CJ. (2016) The Adult Body Plan of Indirect Developing Hemichordates Develops by Adding a Hox-Patterned Trunk to an Anterior Larval Territory. Current Biology : Cb |
Yao Y, Minor PJ, Zhao YT, et al. (2016) Erratum: Cis-regulatory architecture of a brain signaling center predates the origin of chordates. Nature Genetics. 48: 970 |
Yao Y, Minor PJ, Zhao YT, et al. (2016) Cis-regulatory architecture of a brain signaling center predates the origin of chordates. Nature Genetics |