Alessandro Fatatis

Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
"Alessandro Fatatis"
Mean distance: 18.28 (cluster 51)
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DiNatale A, Castelli MS, Nash B, et al. (2022) Regulation of Tumor and Metastasis Initiation by Chemokine Receptors. Journal of Cancer. 13: 3160-3176
DiNatale A, Kaur R, Qian C, et al. (2022) Subsets of cancer cells expressing CX3CR1 are endowed with metastasis-initiating properties and resistance to chemotherapy. Oncogene
Worrede-Mahdi A, Meucci O, Fatatis A. (2019) Limiting tumor seeding as a therapeutic approach for metastatic disease. Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Qian C, Worrede-Mahdi A, Shen F, et al. (2018) Impeding Circulating Tumor Cell Reseeding Decelerates Metastatic Progression and Potentiates Chemotherapy. Molecular Cancer Research : McR
Jiao X, Velasco-Velázquez MA, Wang M, et al. (2018) CCR5 governs DNA damage and breast cancer stem cell expansion. Cancer Research
Fatatis A, Shen F, Zhang Y, et al. (2016) Novel Small-molecule CX3CR1 Antagonist Impairs Metastatic Seeding and Colonization of Breast Cancer Cells. Molecular Cancer Research : McR
Wurth R, Tarn K, Jernigan D, et al. (2015) A Preclinical Model of Inflammatory Breast Cancer to Study the Involvement of CXCR4 and ACKR3 in the Metastatic Process. Translational Oncology. 8: 358-67
Gutierrez-Uzquiza A, Lopez-Haber C, Jernigan DL, et al. (2015) PKCε Is an Essential Mediator of Prostate Cancer Bone Metastasis. Molecular Cancer Research : McR. 13: 1336-46
Caino MC, Chae YC, Vaira V, et al. (2013) Metabolic stress regulates cytoskeletal dynamics and metastasis of cancer cells. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 123: 2907-20
Augello MA, Burd CJ, Birbe R, et al. (2013) Convergence of oncogenic and hormone receptor pathways promotes metastatic phenotypes. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 123: 493-508
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