Marianne Fyhn

2000-2008 Centre for the Biology of Memory NTNU, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway 
 2010- Departement of Biosciences University of Oslo, Norway, Oslo, Oslo, Norway 
grid cells, entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, navigation, memory
"Marianne Fyhn"

Marianne Fyhn discovered the fine spatial tuning of cells in entorhinal cortex (grid cells) after she had been recording from hippocampus subfields CA1, CA3 and dentate gyrus in the Moser lab at NTNU.
Fyhn et al (2003) Decorrelation of spatial input from entorhinal cortex in dentate gyrus and hippocampus. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29, 91.6. The work is followed up by a series of publications on entorhinal cortex (Science 2004,2006; Nature 2005,2007,2008).

Mean distance: 12.68 (cluster 6)
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Beshkov K, Fyhn M, Hafting T, et al. (2024) Topological structure of population activity in mouse visual cortex encodes densely sampled stimulus rotations. Iscience. 27: 109370
Lepperød ME, Stöber T, Hafting T, et al. (2023) Inferring causal connectivity from pairwise recordings and optogenetics. Plos Computational Biology. 19: e1011574
Hanssen KØ, Grødem S, Fyhn M, et al. (2023) Responses in fast-spiking interneuron firing rates to parameter variations associated with degradation of perineuronal nets. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 51: 283-298
Lepperød ME, Christensen AC, Lensjø KK, et al. (2021) Optogenetic pacing of medial septum parvalbumin-positive cells disrupts temporal but not spatial firing in grid cells. Science Advances. 7
Lehr AB, Kumar A, Tetzlaff C, et al. (2021) CA2 beyond social memory: Evidence for a fundamental role in hippocampal information processing. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Christensen AC, Lensjø KK, Lepperød ME, et al. (2021) Perineuronal nets stabilize the grid cell network. Nature Communications. 12: 253
Stöber TM, Lehr AB, Hafting T, et al. (2020) Selective neuromodulation and mutual inhibition within the CA3-CA2 system can prioritize sequences for replay. Hippocampus
Lepperød ME, Dragly SA, Buccino AP, et al. (2020) Experimental Pipeline (Expipe): A Lightweight Data Management Platform to Simplify the Steps From Experiment to Data Analysis. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. 14: 30
Qureshi T, Sørensen C, Berghuis P, et al. (2019) The Glutamine Transporter Slc38a1 Regulates GABAergic Neurotransmission and Synaptic Plasticity. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Rowlands D, Lensjø KK, Dinh T, et al. (2018) Aggrecan Directs Extracellular Matrix-Mediated Neuronal Plasticity. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 38: 10102-10113
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