Jonathan M. Reed

East Carolina Univ., Greenville, NC, United States 
"Jonathan Reed"
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Reed JM, Means LW. (2004) Human implicit memory for irrelevant dimension values is similar to rats' incidental memory in simultaneous discrimination tasks. Behavioural Processes. 67: 383-93
Reed JM, Ellington LD, Graham RB, et al. (2003) Short-term incidental memory for irrelevant cues. Behavioural Processes. 64: 41-48
Manns JR, Hopkins RO, Reed JM, et al. (2003) Recognition memory and the human hippocampus. Neuron. 37: 171-80
Reed JM, Squire LR, Patalano AL, et al. (1999) Learning about categories that are defined by object-like stimuli despite impaired declarative memory. Behavioral Neuroscience. 113: 411-9
Reed JM, Squire LR. (1999) Impaired transverse patterning in human amnesia is a special case of impaired memory for two-choice discrimination tasks. Behavioral Neuroscience. 113: 3-9
Reed JM, Squire LR. (1998) Retrograde amnesia for facts and events: findings from four new cases. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 18: 3943-54
Reed JM, Hamann SB, Stefanacci L, et al. (1997) When amnesic patients perform well on recognition memory tests. Behavioral Neuroscience. 111: 1163-70
Reed JM, Squire LR. (1997) Impaired recognition memory in patients with lesions limited to the hippocampal formation. Behavioral Neuroscience. 111: 667-75
Salisbury R, Reed J, Ward IL, et al. (1989) Plasma luteinizing hormone levels in normal and prenatally stressed male and female rat fetuses and their mothers. Biology of Reproduction. 40: 111-7
Ward IL, Reed J. (1985) Prenatal stress and prepuberal social rearing conditions interact to determine sexual behavior in male rats. Behavioral Neuroscience. 99: 301-9
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