James B. Ayer

Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 
"James Ayer"

(1882-1963) Chief, MGH Neurology Service 1927-1946

Mean distance: 14.41 (cluster 3)
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AYER JB, ROSE AS, KUBIK CS. (1947) [Poliomyelitis, bulbar type]. The New England Journal of Medicine. 236: 36-8
Murray ME, Ayer JB, Richardson W, et al. (1933) Case 19152 New England Journal of Medicine. 208: 800-802
Ayer JB. (1928) Case 14152 New England Journal of Medicine. 198: 817-821
Weed LH, Wegeforth P, Ayer JB, et al. (1919) The production of meningitis by release of cerebrospinal fluid: During an experimental septicemia: Preliminary note Journal of the American Medical Association. 72: 190-193
AYER JB. (1885) Cases of Glycosuria The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. 113: 393-397
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