Wendy Wood
Affiliations: | Psychology and Neuroscience | Duke University, Durham, NC |
Social PsychologyGoogle:
"Wendy Wood"Mean distance: 53433
Sign in to add traineeDeborah L. Hall | grad student | 2010 | Duke |
Jennifer S Labrecque | grad student | 2009-2015 | USC (PsychTree) |
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Labrecque JS, Lee KM, Wood W. (2023) Measuring context-response associations that drive habits. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior |
Lee JC, Hall DL, Wood W. (2018) Experiential or Material Purchases? Social Class Determines Purchase Happiness. Psychological Science. 956797617736386 |
Hayes T, Lee JC, Wood W. (2018) Ideological group influence: central role of message meaning Social Influence. 13: 1-17 |
Itzchakov G, Uziel L, Wood W. (2018) When attitudes and habits don’t correspond: Self-control depletion increases persuasion but not behavior Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 75: 1-10 |
Wood W. (2017) Habit in Personality and Social Psychology. Personality and Social Psychology Review : An Official Journal of the Society For Personality and Social Psychology, Inc. 1088868317720362 |
Carden L, Wood W, Neal DT, et al. (2017) Incentives Activate a Control Mind-Set: Good for Deliberate Behaviors, Bad for Habit Performance Journal of the Association For Consumer Research. 2: 279-290 |
Eagly AH, Wood W. (2017) Janet Taylor Spence: Innovator in the Study of Gender Sex Roles. 77: 725-733 |
Wood W, Rünger D. (2016) Psychology of Habit. Annual Review of Psychology. 67: 289-314 |
Khashe S, Heydarian A, Becerik-Gerber B, et al. (2016) Exploring the effectiveness of social messages on promoting energy conservation behavior in buildings Building and Environment. 102: 83-94 |
Labrecque JS, Wood W, Neal DT, et al. (2016) Habit slips: when consumers unintentionally resist new products Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 1-15 |