Larry F. Abbott

Physiology and Cellular Biophysics Columbia University, New York, NY 
Computation & Theory
"Larry Abbott"
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Mean distance: 12.02 (cluster 17)
Cross-listing: Physics Tree


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Howard J. Schnitzer grad student 1977 Brandeis (Physics Tree)
 (The Hartree approximation in quantum field theory)


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Daniel J. Needleman research assistant 1997 Brandeis (Chemistry Tree)
Andrew JP Fink research assistant 2005-2006 Columbia
Frances Chance grad student Brandeis
Sean Luo grad student Columbia
Kanaka Rajan grad student Columbia
Clifton Rumsey grad student Brandeis
Kamal Sen grad student Brandeis
Erica N. Shook grad student Columbia
Sharon Janet Su grad student
David Sussillo grad student Columbia
Carl van Vreeswijk grad student Brandeis
Greg Wayne grad student 2007- Columbia
Patrick Kaifosh grad student 2010- Columbia
Q-Han Park grad student 1987 Brandeis (Physics Tree)
Emilio Salinas grad student 1992-1996 Wake Forest
Mark S. Goldman grad student 2000 Harvard
Sen Song grad student 1996-2002 Brandeis
Hamid Reza Maei grad student 2002-2003 Brandeis
Patrick J. Drew grad student 1999-2004 Brandeis
Christian D. Swinehart grad student 1998-2005 Brandeis
Tim Vogels grad student 2001-2007 Brandeis
Joseph D. Monaco grad student 2004-2009 Columbia
Evan S. Schaffer grad student 2005-2011 Columbia
Qing Yuan grad student 2007-2012 Columbia University Medical School
Saul Kato grad student 2008-2013 Columbia
Ann Kennedy grad student 2009-2014 Columbia
Brian D. DePasquale grad student 2009-2016 Columbia
Jyun-you Liou grad student 2013-2017
Claudia Clopath post-doc Columbia
Vladimir Itskov post-doc University of Nebraska
Taro Toyoizumi post-doc RIKEN BSI
Pablo Esteban Jercog post-doc 2008- Columbia University Medical School
SueYeon Chung post-doc 2019- Columbia
Wulfram Gerstner post-doc 1995 Brandeis
Jonathan E. Peelle post-doc 2005-2006 Columbia
Xaq Pitkow post-doc 2006-2010 Columbia
Omri Barak post-doc 2009-2012 Columbia
Sean Escola post-doc 2010-2014 Columbia
Guangyu Robert Yang post-doc 2018-2021 Columbia


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Dmitriy Aronov collaborator
Sung Soo Kim collaborator Columbia
Eve Marder collaborator Brandeis
Sacha B. Nelson collaborator Brandeis
Gordon Pipa collaborator Max-Planck for Brain Research
Stefano Fusi collaborator 2003- Brandeis
Walter Fischler-Ruiz collaborator 2014-2020 Columbia
BETA: Related publications


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Abbott L, Svoboda K. (2020) Brain-wide interactions between neural circuits. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 65: iii-v
Li F, Lindsey JW, Marin EC, et al. (2020) The connectome of the adult mushroom body provides insights into function. Elife. 9
Abbott LF, Bock DD, Callaway EM, et al. (2020) The Mind of a Mouse. Cell. 182: 1372-1376
Wang PY, Boboila C, Chin M, et al. (2020) Transient and Persistent Representations of Odor Value in Prefrontal Cortex. Neuron
Liou JY, Smith EH, Bateman LM, et al. (2020) A model for focal seizure onset, propagation, evolution, and progression. Elife. 9
Iascone DM, Li Y, Sümbül U, et al. (2020) Whole-Neuron Synaptic Mapping Reveals Spatially Precise Excitatory/Inhibitory Balance Limiting Dendritic and Somatic Spiking. Neuron
Kim SS, Hermundstad AM, Romani S, et al. (2019) Generation of stable heading representations in diverse visual scenes. Nature
Ingrosso A, Abbott LF. (2019) Training dynamically balanced excitatory-inhibitory networks. Plos One. 14: e0220547
Abbott LF, Marder E, Hooper SL. (2019) Oscillating Networks: Control of Burst Duration by Electrically Coupled Neurons. Neural Computation. 3: 487-497
Jercog PE, Ahmadian Y, Woodruff C, et al. (2019) Heading direction with respect to a reference point modulates place-cell activity. Nature Communications. 10: 2333
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