Carolyn M. Tyler

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
"Carolyn Tyler"
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Howard J. Federoff grad student 2003-2006 University of Rochester Medical Center
Robert S. Freeman grad student 2006-2009 Rochester
 (Suppression of TrkA activation in sympathetic neurons using the TrkA(F592A) chemical-genetic mouse: An examination of the effects on apoptosis and maturation.)
Lisa M. Boulanger post-doc 2009-2015 Princeton
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Frietze KK, Pappy AL, Melson JW, et al. (2016) Cryptic protein-protein interaction motifs in the cytoplasmic domain of MHCI proteins. Bmc Immunology. 17: 24
Dixon-Salazar TJ, Fourgeaud L, Tyler CM, et al. (2014) MHC class I limits hippocampal synapse density by inhibiting neuronal insulin receptor signaling. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 34: 11844-56
Tyler CM, Boulanger LM. (2012) Complement-mediated microglial clearance of developing retinal ganglion cell axons. Neuron. 74: 597-9
Fourgeaud L, Davenport CM, Tyler CM, et al. (2010) MHC class I modulates NMDA receptor function and AMPA receptor trafficking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107: 22278-83
Lim KC, Tyler CM, Lim ST, et al. (2007) Proteolytic processing of proNGF is necessary for mature NGF regulated secretion from neurons. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 361: 599-604
Tyler CM, Wuertzer CA, Bowers WJ, et al. (2006) HSV amplicons: neuro applications. Current Gene Therapy. 6: 337-50
Tyler CM, Federoff HJ. (2006) CNS gene therapy and a nexus of complexity: systems and biology at a crossroads. Cell Transplantation. 15: 267-73
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