Merrill F. Garrett

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 
Psycholinguistics, speech errors, speech production, sentence comprehension, spoonerisms
"Merrill Garrett"

Garrett, Merrill F (1987) Director, Cognitive Science; Professor, Psychology; Professor, Linguistics; Professor, Speech and Hearing Sciences; Research Scientist, Neurogenic Communication Disorders; BS, 1959, Montana State University; MA, 1960, University of Montana; PHD, 1965, University of Illinois

Mean distance: 15.2 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: LinguisTree - PsychTree - CSD Tree


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Howard Maclay grad student 1965 UIUC (LinguisTree)
 (Syntactic structures and judgements of auditory events : a study of the perception of extraneous noise in sentences.)


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Tamar H. Gollan grad student University of Arizona (LinguisTree)
James Douglas Saddy grad student 1983-1987 MIT
Janet Nicol grad student 1984-1988 MIT
Noriko Iwasaki grad student 2000 University of Arizona
Toshiyuki Suzuki grad student 2002 University of Arizona
Constance M. Clarke grad student 2003 University of Arizona
Ethan A. Cox grad student 2005 University of Arizona
Sarah A. Orjada grad student 2007 University of Arizona
Dusana Rybarova grad student 2007 University of Arizona
Kathleen O'Brien Ramirez grad student 1997-2008 University of Arizona (LinguisTree)
Virginia Holmes post-doc MIT (PsychTree)
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McDaniel D, McKee C, Cowart W, et al. (2015) The role of the language production system in shaping grammars Language. 91: 415-441
Dorjee D, Garrett MF, Harnish RM. (2013) Mandatory Processing of Implied Content: Lessons from Context Effects on Implicitures International Review of Pragmatics. 5: 217-232
McDaniel D, McKee C, Garrett MF. (2010) Children's sentence planning: syntactic correlates of fluency variations. Journal of Child Language. 37: 59-94
Harnish R, Garrett M. (2009) Q-Phenomena, I-Phenomena and Impliciture: Some Experimental Pragmatics International Review of Pragmatics. 1: 84-117
Garrett M, Harnish RM. (2007) Experimental pragmatics: Testing for implicitures Pragmatics and Cognition. 15: 65-90
Orjada SA, Garrett MF, Harnish RM, et al. (2007) Impliciture processing with and without context after right hemisphere damage Brain and Language. 103: 41-42
Menn L, Gottfried M, Holland AL, et al. (2005) Encoding location in aphasic and normal speech: The interaction of pragmatics with language output processing limitations Aphasiology. 19: 487-519
Clarke CM, Garrett MF. (2004) Rapid adaptation to foreign-accented English. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 116: 3647-58
Vigliocco G, Vinson DP, Lewis W, et al. (2004) Representing the meanings of object and action words: the featural and unitary semantic space hypothesis. Cognitive Psychology. 48: 422-88
Pechmann T, Garrett M, Zerbst D. (2004) The time course of recovery for grammatical category information during lexical processing for syntactic construction. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 30: 723-8
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