Victor Semenovich Gurfinkel

Institute for the Problems of Information Transmission, Moskva, Moscow, Russia 
Motor control
"Victor Gurfinkel"

Виктор Семёнович Гурфинкель

Wikipedia article (in Russian)

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Ivanenko Y, Gurfinkel VS. (2018) Human Postural Control. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12: 171
St George RJ, Gurfinkel VS, Kraakevik J, et al. (2017) Case Studies in Neuroscience: A Dissociation of Balance and Posture Demonstrated by Camptocormia. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00582.2017
Ivanenko YP, Gurfinkel VS, Selionov VA, et al. (2017) Tonic and rhythmic spinal activity underlying locomotion. Current Pharmaceutical Design
Solopova IA, Selionov VA, Zhvansky DS, et al. (2015) Human cervical spinal cord circuitry activated by tonic input can generate rhythmic arm movements. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00897.2015
Solopova IA, Selionov VA, Sylos-Labini F, et al. (2015) Tapping into rhythm generation circuitry in humans during simulated weightlessness conditions. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 9: 14
Cohen RG, Gurfinkel VS, Kwak E, et al. (2015) Lighten Up: Specific Postural Instructions Affect Axial Rigidity and Step Initiation in Patients With Parkinson's Disease. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
Ivanenko YP, Wright WG, St George RJ, et al. (2013) Trunk orientation, stability, and quadrupedalism. Frontiers in Neurology. 4: 20
Selionov VA, Solopova IA, Zhvansky DS, et al. (2013) Lack of non-voluntary stepping responses in Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience. 235: 96-108
Panfilov VE, Gurfinkel VS. (2013) Biomechanical profile of the human-spacesuit interaction Human Physiology. 39: 750-755
Gurfinkel V, Gagey P. (2013) Homage to Jean-Bernard Baron Gait & Posture. 38: 362
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