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William Cullen grad student 1754 Edinburgh
Charles Alston grad student 1751-1754 Edinburgh
Alexander (secundus) Monro grad student 1751-1754 Edinburgh
Robert Whytt grad student 1751-1756 Edinburgh


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James Edward Smith research assistant 1781- Edinburgh (Plant Biology Tree)
James Watt research assistant 1757-1765 University of Glasgow (Physics Tree)
John Robison research assistant 1762-1766 University of Glasgow (Physics Tree)
Thomas Thomson grad student (Chemistry Tree)
Benjamin Rush grad student 1768 Edinburgh
Smithson Tennant grad student 1781-1782 Edinburgh (Chemistry Tree)
Thomas Charles Hope grad student 1787 Edinburgh
Sir John Leslie grad student 1785-1787 Edinburgh (Physics Tree)
William Henry grad student 1795-1807 Edinburgh (Physics Tree)
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