Gwen Jacobs

Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 
"Gwen Jacobs"
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Brian Mulloney grad student 1978-1980 UC Davis
Rodney K. Murphey grad student 1984 SUNY Albany
 (Embryology, structure and function of mechanosensory interneurons in crickets.)
Janis Weeks post-doc UC Berkeley
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Jacobs GA, Miller JP, Aldworth Z. (2008) Computational mechanisms of mechanosensory processing in the cricket. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 211: 1819-28
Ogawa H, Cummins GI, Jacobs GA, et al. (2008) Dendritic design implements algorithm for synaptic extraction of sensory information. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 28: 4592-603
Crook S, Miller J, Jacobs G. (2002) Modeling frequency encoding in the cricket cercal sensory system Neurocomputing. 44: 769-773
Weeks JC, Jacobs GA, Pierce JT, et al. (1997) Neural mechanisms of behavioral plasticity: metamorphosis and learning in Manduca sexta. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 50: 69-80
Roddey JC, Jacobs GA. (1996) Information theoretic analysis of dynamical encoding by filiform mechanoreceptors in the cricket cercal system. Journal of Neurophysiology. 75: 1365-76
Troyer TW, Levin JE, Jacobs GA. (1994) Construction and analysis of a database representing a neural map. Microscopy Research and Technique. 29: 329-43
Jacobs G, Weeks J. (1990) Postsynaptic changes at a sensory-to-motoneuron synapse contribute to the developmental loss of a reflex behavior during insect metamorphosis The Journal of Neuroscience. 10: 1341-1356
Weeks JC, Jacobs GA, Miles CI. (1989) Hormonally mediated modifications of neuronal structure, synaptic connectivity, and behavior during metamorphosis of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta Integrative and Comparative Biology. 29: 1331-1344
Jacobs GA, Murphey RK. (1987) Segmental origins of the cricket giant interneuron system. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 265: 145-57
Weeks JC, Jacobs GA. (1987) A reflex behavior mediated by monosynaptic connections between hair afferents and motoneurons in the larval tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 160: 315-29
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