Robert J. van Beers

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
Motor control, perception
"Robert van Beers"
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Willemsen SCMJ, Oostwoud Wijdenes L, van Beers RJ, et al. (2024) Central tendency and serial dependence in vestibular path integration. Journal of Neurophysiology
Willemsen SCMJ, Oostwoud Wijdenes L, van Beers RJ, et al. (2022) Natural statistics of head roll: implications for Bayesian inference in spatial orientation. Journal of Neurophysiology. 128: 1409-1420
Sutter K, Oostwoud Wijdenes L, van Beers RJ, et al. (2022) Even well-practiced movements benefit from repetition. Journal of Neurophysiology
Brenner E, de Graaf ML, Stam MJ, et al. (2020) When Is Moving a Cursor With a Computer Mouse Intuitive? Perception. 301006620915152
López-Moliner J, Vullings C, Madelain L, et al. (2019) Prediction and final temporal errors are used for trial-to-trial motor corrections. Scientific Reports. 9: 19230
Oostwoud Wijdenes L, van Beers RJ, Medendorp WP. (2019) Vestibular modulation of visuomotor feedback gains in reaching. Journal of Neurophysiology
Bakker RS, Weijer RH, van Beers RJ, et al. (2017) Decisions in motion: passive body acceleration modulates hand choice. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00022.2017
van der Kooij K, Brenner E, van Beers RJ, et al. (2015) Visuomotor adaptation: how forgetting keeps us conservative. Plos One. 10: e0117901
Narain D, Smeets JB, Mamassian P, et al. (2014) Structure learning and the Occam's razor principle: a new view of human function acquisition. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 8: 121
Narain D, Mamassian P, van Beers RJ, et al. (2013) How the statistics of sequential presentation influence the learning of structure. Plos One. 8: e62276
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