Veronica J. Santos, Ph.D.

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
grasp and manipulation, hand biomechanics, haptics, human-machine systems, machine learning, neural control of movement, prosthetics, robotics, stochastic modeling, tactile sensors
"Veronica Santos"

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Mean distance: 17.09 (cluster 22)
Cross-listing: Physics Tree - Robotree


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Francisco J. Valero-Cuevas grad student 2001-2007 Cornell
 (A Bayesian approach to biomechanical modeling: A treatise on the human thumb.)
Gerald E. Loeb post-doc 2007-2008 USC
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Gutierrez K, Santos VJ. (2020) Perception of Tactile Directionality via Artificial Fingerpad Deformation and Convolutional Neural Networks. Ieee Transactions On Haptics
Yin J, Aspinall P, Santos VJ, et al. (2018) Measuring Dynamic Shear Force and Vibration With a Bioinspired Tactile Sensor Skin Ieee Sensors Journal. 18: 3544-3553
Day N, Penaloza J, Santos VJ, et al. (2018) Scalable fabric tactile sensor arrays for soft bodies Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 28: 064004
Hellman RB, Tekin C, Schaar MV, et al. (2017) Functional Contour-following via Haptic Perception and Reinforcement Learning. Ieee Transactions On Haptics
Yin J, Santos VJ, Posner JD. (2017) Bioinspired flexible microfluidic shear force sensor skin Sensors and Actuators a: Physical. 264: 289-297
Genovese B, Yin S, Sareh S, et al. (2016) Surgical Hand Tracking in Open Surgery Using a Versatile Motion Sensing System: Are We There Yet? The American Surgeon. 82: 872-875
Manis RP, Santos VJ. (2015) Independent digit contributions to rotational manipulation in a three-digit pouring task requiring dynamic stability. Experimental Brain Research. 233: 2195-204
Hellman RB, Chang E, Tanner J, et al. (2015) A robot hand testbed designed for enhancing embodiment and functional neurorehabilitation of body schema in subjects with upper limb impairment or loss. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 9: 26
Manis RP, Santos VJ. (2015) Independent digit contributions to rotational manipulation in a three-digit pouring task requiring dynamic stability Experimental Brain Research. 233: 2195-2204
Ponce Wong RD, Hellman RB, Santos VJ. (2014) Spatial asymmetry in tactile sensor skin deformation aids perception of edge orientation during haptic exploration. Ieee Transactions On Haptics. 7: 191-202
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